Our team is excited to announce our re-opening date for June 15.

Thank You

We are so thankful for your support during our closure. Corresponding via email and private message has been very heart warming for us. 

Booking Appointments 

As we take this time to create new schedules and implement our new procedures and ways of operating we kindly ask for your patience as we reschedule appointments. 

  1. We will first be contacting our clients that had appointments cancelled during our closure. Please keep an eye out for an email or phone call from us during the first week of June. 

  2. Secondly we will be contacting those whom have inquired for appointments via email, DM, text and Private messages.

If you would like to be added to our Call List please connect with us through our Contact page.

Alternatively you can call Vermelho to leave a message with your name and number at 403•609•8070